A downloadable project

If you had to decide your final words to say to the world, what would they be? Would they be words of wisdom, kindness, or something else? How would you make them memorable? In my case, I've said enough warnings in some of my other projects, such as "From Zane". Those who will listen will be alright.

Here is the simple truth I want to say more than anything for my final words.

Jesus is God, and He is gracious. Learn to respect the name of Jesus above everything in your life. It has the power to heal and to cast out evil and to comfort and to shake heaven and earth. For the rest of your days, condition yourself to hate blasphemy. Treat every day like it's His birthday. As you are falling asleep each night, speak directly to Jesus, thanking Him for what you feel you should thank Him for, and asking Him to walk with you through the challenges you face.

I hope to see you all in heaven.

Tell others.